Musical Theatre Dunedin

Join us


Our members are the lifeblood of our society. If you would like to become involved in theatre onstage or behind the scenes, or if you would like to support our work financially, fill out the online subscription here.


Performing Members - $30.00 per year

Performing Members are actively involved in the running of our society.

Benefits include:

A regular newsletter

Voting rights at the AGM

Advance notice and booking forms for Theatre Restaurant

Preferential booking privileges for major shows (when applicable)


Subscribing Members - $25.00 per year

Subscribing Members are not active in the day to day running of our society, but they support us financially and by attending our productions.

Benefits include:

A regular newsletter

Advance notice and booking forms for Theatre Restaurant

Preferential booking privileges for major shows (when applicable)


Membership year is 1st of August to the 31st of July 


Become a member